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Tag Archives: My Lady Gamester

Diane sort of outed me last week (that is, outed my announcement!) but I’m going ahead with it anyway because, well — because I want to. And I’m that sort of person this week. I wanted to eat that chocolate cake and I did. And I don’t regret it. (I feel a new proud era of strong womanhood dawning already.)

I am strong! I am powerful! And I’ll eat chocolate cake if I want to!

Come on, everyone! Say it with me! We are strong! We are victorious! And we’ll eat just as much chocolate cake as we damn well please!

There now. Don’t you feel good? Don’t you feel powerful?

Now — on to my announcement!

Don’t you love bookstores? Don’t you love fondling all those beautiful books, and smelling them, and buying far too many? Don’t you just love the booksellers who make all that indulgence possible?

Even better, don’t you love the booksellers who talk to you about books, who recommend interesting new authors you’ve never tried, who totally understand your book buying habit? (And encourage it? And maybe — just maybe — are proud and strong chocolate cake eaters themselves?)

I remember discussing how wonderful McCaffrey’s Dragonsdawn was with one bookseller….and analyzing the state of the Regency market with another. There are booksellers who can tell you what picture book would be great for a 4-year-old boy who loves bees, and booksellers who can relate personal anecdotes about Larry Niven or Anne Stuart.

This is why I was so excited to learn that the bookseller judges of this year’s “Bookseller’s Best Contest” named My Lady Gamester the Best Regency of 2005!

My fellow finalists are all fantastic writers, and so I am thrilled and honored to be named the winner. Even better, this means that a bunch of booksellers (drawn from a pool located all across the country) read my book in the first round, and liked it well enough to name it a finalist…and then another bunch read it in the final round, and liked it well enough to vote it the winner!

So now there are booksellers who know my book…booksellers who like my book…booksellers who might just mention my book to their faithful customers…booksellers who are undoubtably confident chocolate-cake eaters themselves, and proud of it!


Cara King — My Lady Gamester
“Booksellers’ Best” Award for Best Regency of 2005

Hello, Everyone! I’m back from the RWA conference in Atlanta where I had a wonderful time! It was truly a golden conference for me–or rather for Diane Gaston. My A Reputable Rake by Diane Gaston won the RITA award for Best Regency Romance. You’d think that would be enough good fortune for any one person, but The Mysterious Miss M won a National Readers Choice Award for Best Regency. Janet’s Dedication was also a finalist in the NRCA and it could very easily (and just as happily) been her book to win Best Regency.

It was a great conference for Riskies. Cara’s My Lady Gamester won the Booksellers Best Award for Best Regency and Amanda’s Lady Midnight won the Booksellers Best Award for Best Long Historical.

There were so many highlights of the conference I don’t know where to begin or what to include. The very best part is seeing all my Romance writing friends, some whom I only see at the national conference. It was fun seeing Megan and I had time to share Wet Noodle Posse fun with Janet and Amanda and I snuck in a short half hour for a “comfortable coze.”

The Mills & Boon editors were so cute. Well, Sheila Hodgson was elegant but Joanne Carr and Jenny Hutton were lovely, young, gorgeous and enthusiastic– and tall! All the Mills & Boon folks and the Harlequin folks were lovely to me, even before I won!

The whole atmosphere of the conference was exciting, supportive, and joyful. I loved every minute.

Blogger would not let me post photos but I will put them on a blog as soon as Blogger decides to behave.


Congratulations to the following Riskies, for reaching the finals of Greater Detroit RWA’s Booksellers’ Best Award!

In the Regency category:

“a well-polished jewel of a book,
with a gem of a hero” — Barbara Metzger
THE MYSTERIOUS MISS M, by Diane Perkins/Gaston
“Gaston’s strong, memorable debut provides new insights into the era and characters that touch your heart and draw you emotionally into her powerful story. — Kathe Robin, Romantic Times BOOKclub.

and in the Historical Romance category:

LADY MIDNIGHT, by Amanda McCabe
“Lady Midnight will enchant and enrapture readers with its great depth of character…a tantalizing plot with wonderful gothic overtones and a daring hero” — Kathe Robin, Romantic Times BOOKclub.
Way to go, Riskies!!!!!!!!


If you happen to be in the Los Angeles area this Sunday, June 11, you might want to stop by the Encino Barnes and Noble sometime between 12:30 and 2 pm, when ten different authors will be signing their books — including me, Cara! The signing also features Christie Ridgway, Elda Minger, Charlotte Maclay, and a lot of other authors, who will be signing books that range from Regency (me) to chick-lit to mystery to category romance, and more!

There will be lots of fun, free chocolate, great books, and maybe even me in Regency costume. 🙂

More info is at: The store is on the corner of Ventura Blvd and Hayvenhurst, in the Valley, for sure! (I can make that joke, by the way, because I’m a native Valley Girl. So it’s okay. Honest.)

Cara King — author of MY LADY GAMESTERwhich is really good, honest, read it, you’ll like it