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Tag Archives: Winners

Happy Tuesday, everyone!  What are you doing this week??  I got my latest Harlequin Regency romance turned in (yay!!) and am getting caught up on a few things before diving into the next Elizabethan mystery.  Things like grocery shopping and running the vacuum cleaner, which always fall by the wayside when a deadline looms.  Among my projects–a fun round-robin story my local RWA chapter is doing with a St. Patrick’s Day theme!  Stay tuned for more info on that….

I am also announcing a winner!  The winner of a copy of A Stranger at Castonbury is…Emily!  Congrats!  Email me your info at amccabe7551 AT….

LadyAndMonstersCoverIn between taking a few naps and watching some DVDs that have piled up while I was working on the book (including all of season one of Girls, I have also been dreaming of spring.  Like many places, winter has been dismal here, with more gray skies and snow and freezing rain than usual.  (I also just read The Lady and Her Monsters, about Mary Shelley and the writing of Frankenstein, which included some depressing details of 1816’s Year Without a Summer.  It hasn’t been that bad here, but still…).  So I’ve been perusing garden catalogs and spring fashion websites (already bought some shorts at J Crew!).



If I was in the Regency this is the outfit I would be wanting to wear now (from my Regency Pinterest page!):

RegencyYellowDress RegencyParasol RegencyBonnet

And we could go out for a nice drive on a sunny afternoon:


What are you looking forward to this spring???

The three winners (randomly chosen from among the commenters) are:

  • Jane Holland — surprise prize winner
  • Judy (from Bag End) — surprise prize winner
  • Louisa Cornell  — Winner of a copy of Frederika

If I could locate your email, I’ve sent an email to you, otherwise, email me your mailing address so we can get your prize on the way.  carolyn AT

Nifty!  Thanks so much for joining in, everyone!

I completely want to do this again.